Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Thats my current phase. Everything feels wrong and then not so wrong. Decisions feel oh so right only to be followed by regret. Thoughts don't last. Opinions keep changing. Work of course is slacking and thats not helping.

Tried music, not helping - not even Mozart (though I might like it when not in this mood maybe). What am I looking for? Home beckons? Wish I could make that trip to India! If only for a change of scene.

But then things are not so bad either. Found new food I like. And a new clothes store I like. And new activities I'd like to work more on. Hmmm lets see where it all ends..

Oh and vegetarianism - still not happening. Though I feel bad every time I eat meat.

1 comment:

me said...

time for a to-do list?