Next year I will have nineteen paid days off. Which I can technically take any time I want - barring conflict with work. Enough to take one extra day off adjacent to a weekend every month. And then some.
So I have decided I shall go on a small trip every month. Atleast one per month. Explore. All it takes is getting over my laziness, packing my bags and maybe a little bit of planning ahead. In line with these thoughts I will set out today to look for these twelve spots I want to check out next year. Will update this post with the list by eod today. That shall be my first step overcoming my procrastination.
Update with possibilities:
Peru - Machu Pichu & Iguazu Falls(?)
Yellow Stone National Park
Death Valley
love your enthu levels in life :)make one of those trips to greece. Looking for company on that trip
Galapagos Islands??
:) thanks for the suggestions guys. Will prolly only be able to make one big (out of US) trip in the year. Any local in US suggestions?
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