Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This poem on Leisure is one of my fave.

There was a time when I could just lie down under a tree on a sunny day, thinking of nothing but just experiencing the wind blowing, hearing the birds chirping and the leaves rustling, watching a fly droning by and eventually gliding into a dreamless slumber in the gentle breeze.

Now I stay awake doing stuff at ungodly hours until I just drop down with exhaustion. The sleep is equally undisturbed but for the wrong reasons and inevitably not enough (work does not wait). I've been rushing to fill up my waking hours with things to do and keep myself occupied. Is it to avoid thinking and to cover the lack of purpose that is life currently? Maybe. Most likely.

I do have the time to stand and stare but do not indulge. Why is that? Maybe cos the moment I stop doing things I start thinking about what I'm doing or more aptly -- about what I'm not doing. Why can't I just live life one day at a time without worrying about the future? About what next? Wish I could get back to "stand and stare"! Though I definitely prefer "lying and staring".


Journeyer said...

PS: this blog is another of the time fillers I've been resorting to. :P

Venu Lolla said...

A wise man whose reading I read says: "We are human beings not human doings". "Being" is natural to us, doing not so. Just "be", don't get get too anxious to "do".

Journeyer said...

Sound advice.. but wont be easy to follow. Will try.

Shilpa Colluru said...

One of my favourite poems too :)

Journeyer said...

read the one you posted today. Nice one.